Monday, July 26, 2010

Joe Hosmer in Tajikistan

My Dad - Joe Hosmer - updates us on his travels to Tajikistan.  Working with the Tajik Academy of Science, biologists, translators, etc. to do a population survey of the Marco Polo (wild) Sheep in the mountains... enjoy the adventures!  This expedition has been funded by Safari Club International Foundation - "First for Wildlife". More to come!  Below is an e-mail from Dad...

Marco Polo Sheep

Greetings from Asia!
Left San Antonio Saturday afternoon and arrived today, Monday morning.  Long haul, directly surrounded by crying babies (all the way) which had a "bouquet" like they all ate some really bad Mexican food...
I will have Internet today and for awhile tomorrow while in beautiful downtown Dushanbe, then off to the Pamirs - AKA: The Roof Of The World.
The team is gathering as I write, although several important bags remain somewhere in Istanbul.
Right now, we will have 3 Toyota Land Cruisers loaded down with supplies and people to travel many hours into the mountains.  Once in the mountains we will probably break-up into smaller groups and head off in different directions.  The mode in the mountains will include Russian built Jeeps, by foot, and on horseback.  Our over simplified goal is to locate groups of Marco Polo ewes and lambs.  Record our observations and establish population counts for the Government.  We will be working and living between 13,500 ft up to 17,500 ft.  Of course this is subject to constant change.
Bill Moritz, Andrey Subottin, Raul Valdez, and I will probably represent SCIF on each of the Field teams.  SCI Video camera will accompany each team at one point or another.  Let's hope for the best!
I expect to share our unofficial insights with all of you at our Jackson Hole Conservation Committee meeting and Board meeting.
More later!
Joe Hosmer

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