Friday, July 30, 2010

Alpine Ibex Project

$100,000 USD Financial Investment for 2006-2010

In August 2004, an epidemic of sarcopatic scabies, combined with a very cold and snowy winter, hit the Marmolada National Park Area, causing the alpine ibex population to decrease from about 500 to less than 150.

The goal of this project, which began in 2006 and is entirely financed by the Italian Chapter, is to protect and save the alpine ibex population in the Marmolada area. The project will study for the first time the genetic evolution and resistance to the disease, testing the theories of Guberti/Zamboni and Leung/Grenfell. The approximately $100,000 supplied by the chapter funds work performed by the provincia di Belluno, Corpo Forestale dello Stato, regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, Department of Animal Production, Epidemiology and Ecology of Torino University, and Department of Animal Science of Padova University. 

The researchers will get important indications on the seasonal migration and area occupation of the restocked ibex population. To save the population from disappearing, some ibex have been captured in Tarvisio National Park. They have been treated with anti-parasite medication, marked with ear tags, equipped with radio transmitter collars, and transported to Marmolada National Park, where they were released to restock the existing population.

This new, genetically recombined population will be studied by a scientific team on weekly basis for five years, concluding in 2010. In case of future homing/dispersion of some of the released ibex specimens, the same number will be captured again in Tarvisio National Park and again released in Marmolada National Park.

The regional game department will provide the ibex specimens, and the forestry department will dart the ibexes and transport them by helicopter from Tarvisio to Marmolada and will, under the supervision of Torino University, dart the same ibexes and their descendants annually to allow testing. The university will analyze the darted ibexes to study the evolution of the disease. Padova University researchers will radio-collar the released ibexes and will register weekly their movements and behaviors. At the end of the five-year project, the two universities will publish a scientific paper, in addition to their annual report, that will be exclusive property of the SCI Italian Chapter.

For their excellence in conservation achievement, the Italian Chapter received the 2007 SCIF Diamond Conservation Chapter Award. 

Thank you for your help and support!  Cheers, Britt Hosmer Peterson, LEED AP

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