Monday, February 7, 2011

Rhino poacher shot dead

2011-02-07 14:26

Durban - A rhino poacher was shot dead in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park in KwaZulu-Natal, Ezemvelo KZN said on Monday.

"Field rangers and members of the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park anti-poaching unit shot dead a suspected poacher in an exchange of gunfire in the Makhamisa section of the park late on Saturday afternoon," said spokesperson Jeff Gaisford.

This, after Ezemvelo staff members received information that an attempt had been made to shoot a rhino in the park.

"Ezemvelo staff heard three shots fired fairly close to them. They moved in the direction of the shots and spotted two suspected poachers."

Gaisford said one of the men was armed with an R1 rifle and immediately began firing at the Ezemvelo staff, who returned fire.

"In the ensuing exchange of gunfire, the suspected poacher carrying the R1 rifle was shot dead and the other managed to escape, dropping a .303 rifle in the process." He said none of the Ezemvelo rangers were injured.

"The Ezemvelo group could not immediately locate a rhino carcass and the search was resumed by helicopter early on Sunday," said Gaisford.

"Staff are hoping that the suspected poachers may have missed the rhino altogether, but are continuing to monitor rhinos in the area in case an animal was wounded."

Gaisford said the carcasses of two dehorned black rhinos were found in Zibozini, in the Ophathe Game Reserve, on Friday

"It was estimated that the animals had been shot three days previously. Both horns were missing and it is unclear whether these were removed by scavengers or poachers," he said.

Ezemvelo staff were assisting police from the Richard's Bay organised crime unit in all the cases.

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