Monday, January 24, 2011

Letters of Support - Fundraising for Idaho!

The Idaho Natural Resource Foundation (Idaho NRF) was met with positive support after the presentation on December 15, 2010. Britt Hosmer Peterson, Idaho NRF Consultant, asked attendees to commit to sending out letters requesting support of the foundation. The letters will be sent to outfitter and guide's clients throughout the year, preferably immediately following the client's trip in Idaho. By the end of the presentation, attendees had collectively promised to send out over 500 letters!

If you did not attend the presentation and would like to receive the postage-paid, pre-stuffed letters from the Idaho NRF office - simply call Janey now at 208.342.1438!

We've designed these letters so simply that all you have to do it write your client's name and address on the envelope and pop it in the mail! How easy is that?! By you committing to send out a handful of letters you are supporting conservation work in Idaho. In advance, we'd like to thank you for your time and help!

All funds raised will be going into the Idaho NRF general endowment fund. This is the lifeblood of any organization. This is the money that keeps the foundation going, it enables us to create, organize, and manage projects throughout the state. It helps you with your outdoor business, supporting the natural resources you make a living from.

Idaho NRF was designed to help fund IOGA projects, through raising money outside of our small community of outfitters and guides. Please do your part in raising money for our 2011 general fund!

Call Janey now and commit to sending out at least one letter. Do not wait: 208.342.1438.

You can also e-mail Britt to find out other ways you can personally contribute. She'd love to hear any new fundraising ideas you may have!

Some homework...

Please visit our website 
Follow us on Twitter: @IdahoNRF
Like us on Facebook: Idaho Natural Resource Foundation

Thank you everyone!

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