Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fundraising Guru!

Rock Environmental welcomes a fundraising expert to the team!

Jane B. Ford, M.Ed., uses practical skills to help non-profits achieve their missions. She bases her consulting work on over 30 years of experience working with community and faith based non-profits.  At Rock, she will be using her talents working with international conservation and wilderness foundations.

Jane is also a published author, her book, Get Grants Now, offers a helpful perspective on seeking foundation and corporate grants to support the mission of non-profits.  Her experience and conversational writing style combine to make this book both a useful tool and an enjoyable read!

At Rock, Jane helps non-profit clients develop creative marketing and fundraising plans, concentrated research and funder prospecting, and preparing corporate and foundation grant proposals.  The two words that clients consistently use to describe Jane are practical and inspirational! 

Foundation & Conservation Consulting. Rock Environmental.

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