Monday, October 12, 2009

Rock to attend dinner in D.C.

Rock Environmental, LLC's president, Brittany Hosmer has been invited to attend the International Conservation Caucus Foundation's (ICCF) dinner on October 20, 2009 in Washington, D.C. The dinner is honoring His Serene Highness the Sovereign Prince of Monaco Albert II with the ICCF Teddy Roosevelt® Conservation Award. In recognition of his leadership in biodiversity and water conservation and his establishment of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation which promotes the sustainable and equitable management of natural resources and places the individual at the center of its projects.

The cost of the event is not being paid for by a lobbyist or an organization employing a lobbyist. This event intends to meet all of the requirements to qualify as a widely-attended event.

More information on the ICCF:

MISSION — To educate U.S. policymakers and the world’s political and business leaders on the vital links between good natural resource management and sustainable economic development, poverty alleviation and regional security.

OUR GOAL — To be a catalyst for consensus on international conservation policy across party lines and between the public and private sectors to increase the scale and effectiveness of U.S. government support for good natural resource management worldwide.

WE BELIEVE — As America has exported freedom, democracy, and free enterprise, we have the ability and the interest to see that America also exports good natural resource management. Conservation is compatible with development. Stewardship of natural resources is fundamental to poverty alleviation, conflict avoidance, good governance, and regional security. We are convinced that it is in America’s national interest to expand its leadership in the world to promote sound, long-term policies of sustainable land, water, and biodiversity management.

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