Tuesday, April 21, 2009


An Environmental Management System (EMS) is a management tool for evaluating specific activities of your company. To recognize the environmental impacts associated with those activities. Once identified, those aspects will be managed by monitoring resources (money, people, products/materials, and processes) to reduce negative and enhance positive impacts. The key concepts of an EMS are intended to help your company understand the full range of its environmental impact, prioritize and effectively manage its programs, track and document its progress.

Rock will work closely with your employees to create an EMS that details the processes to be followed to enhance positive impacts and limit negative impacts. This plan will help you map your progress, and continually improve upon the process. This strategy will provide you with a road map that will give you a clear competitive advantage in your marketplace.

This plan will be unique to your company and will contain the following components:

· Start by understanding the whole picture
· Adopt an environmental policy
· Manage significant impacts and legal requirements
· Stakeholders (Employees, clients/guests/customers, community) are key to success
· Write it down
· Measure effectiveness
· Review, evaluate and improve

To find out what more... Britt Hosmer - britt@rockenvironmental.com

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