Saturday, December 20, 2008

How do you choose an environmental consultant?

What defines "green" is so broad, although the concept is not new, it is very trendy and often without definition. When looking at references from a consultant ask for a resume as well as a client/project list.

Often times you'll find folks or companies claiming to be a green consultant because they took a 1-2 week long course. Certifications are great, especially for continuing education reasons... but look for a degree in Natural Sciences AND Business Management. Only recently have universities started to offer "green" degrees, so I would not consider them 100% proven. It all comes down to experience AND education.

Britt Hosmer, President
Rock Environmental, LLC

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"Green" Marketing

Green marketing has created new obstacles, not the least of which is the lack of standardization for shaping what it means to be a green product or a green company – or even what degree of green.

With the increase of green conscious customers, employees, and stakeholders, there has also been an increase of eco-labeling, green marketing adjectives and the importance of environmental company exposure.

Unfortunately, this creates the opportunity for just about anything to be promoted as green, from simple packaging changes to products and services that radically reduce materials, energy, and waste.

But... WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOUR COMPANY? Rock Environmental can help your company market a product or service without confusing customers about its legitimate sustainable value – whatever degree green it is – it is all important.

Contact Rock Environmental about changing how you communicate to businesses, customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Luxury & Sustainability

"In the early days, green was hippie and hemp," says Kevin George, founder of Articulate Design Inc. in San Francisco, who designed Lexus' Hybrid Living marketing program. But today, he says, "For discerning buyers there's a whole lot of choices they can make that can bring together luxury and sustainability."

Rock Environmental has experience in both luxury and sustainability. Contact Rock for more information...