Wednesday, August 13, 2008

3rd to 1st World - GREEN

In third world countries, industries grow out of their local resources. For instance, in South Africa, one of the major sources of income and foreign investment is the travel and tourism industry. This sector focuses on the country’s assets; naturally beautiful land and seascapes, indigenous people, and their richness of biodiversity. Businesses grow literally from the grass roots level up.

In first world countries, on the other hand, industry already exists based on specific products and services - not where they came from, who they affect, or how they benefit the future. But the point is... companies and consumers alike want to go back to the grass roots approach and make a priority of the community, the environment, and while still being profitable or saving money.

With Rock Environmental a corporate company or an individual household can. Rock can show you how to save money and turn a greater profit through incorporating the benefits of sustainable use. Check out the website!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is such an important service ! All the best with your work in sustainability. JD