Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Employee Participation and Understanding of GREEN

There is a saying, "Your Company is only as good as your employees."

In the world that finds it trendy (and profitable) to say a product/service is "eco-friendly" or "green" or "all-natural"... their employees still leave computers and lights on when they go out for lunch or use non-recycled content paper in the printers and fax machines? Do these environmental claims really matter then?

If a company is making environmental claims, think beyond just marketing.

Stakeholders within the community and customers are starting to catch on to green-washing and are asking the right questions, "How green is this company?"

Although, introducing green products/services may initially increase profits; if they are inaccurate assertions they will only end up hurting the company in the long run. This is especially true if the company’s employees do not live up to the inspiration of becoming better corporate citizens – as represented to the public by the green product/service.

Companies who claim “green” will only be strengthen through employee focused educational workshops, training seminars, and continued corporate emphasis on becoming more sustainable (not just green!).

Rock Environmental offers corporations single and multi-day retreats and workshops. Through custom-made approaches and creative innovative sessions; Rock will edify your employees about their personal actions, your already existing green products/services, and the sustainability goals for the future of your business.

Rock makes your business better.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

3rd to 1st World - GREEN

In third world countries, industries grow out of their local resources. For instance, in South Africa, one of the major sources of income and foreign investment is the travel and tourism industry. This sector focuses on the country’s assets; naturally beautiful land and seascapes, indigenous people, and their richness of biodiversity. Businesses grow literally from the grass roots level up.

In first world countries, on the other hand, industry already exists based on specific products and services - not where they came from, who they affect, or how they benefit the future. But the point is... companies and consumers alike want to go back to the grass roots approach and make a priority of the community, the environment, and while still being profitable or saving money.

With Rock Environmental a corporate company or an individual household can. Rock can show you how to save money and turn a greater profit through incorporating the benefits of sustainable use. Check out the website!